Bectu @Carry on Touring UK-EU summit

Bectu National Secretary Noel McClean spoke at this important EU-UK summit that brought together representatives from across the UK and European Union. Hundred joined us for a day of action organized by Carry on Touring to demonstrate support for creative touring professionals and artists.

Watch Noel McClean here:
Watch the whole summit here:…

From their official statement:
“The failure to secure an exemption in the TCA to allow for freedom of movement for those on tour will have a catastrophic impact on both the UK’s and EU’s cultural economies. All touring art forms will be affected and in particular young and emerging artists. Without a return to the negotiating table many jobs and livelihoods will be lost; as well as income for crew, haulage and production, at a time when the sector desperately needs a lifeline.

Carry on Touring is the UK’s umbrella campaign which all those who rely on touring can support and sit under. It brings together voices from across the touring, cultural and creative industries sector to secure political and public support for Tim Brennan’s petition. The strength of our campaign is that it is inclusive reaching across the sector, industry and political parties; focusing on the real people, real lives and real jobs affected.”

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